Fallen In Love.

Nevertheless, it’s all right. As long as I can struggle to see what makes me weak within, I can strengthen it. Not all is lost just because I fell in love. But oh my goodness, what a struggle it is. Every day I wake up and get to my work, and as soon as the thought of that one comes to mind, I suddenly just find myself all fucked up. I can’t read, because it takes focus. I can’t seem to do much else either, because it takes energy. I can’t sleep either, because I just woke up. And even if I did lay down, it would be a waste of time. So I have to struggle somehow to get a control over that structure within me which makes me to apparently fall apart, and not be in control? Yea. One has to be in control of their life. One cannot allow anything to affect them so strongly that they don’t have any say in the situation. And I can’t deny that I have fallen in love, with someone who most likely doesn’t even know that I have. It’s my problem, no one elses. Oh to just find a strength within me to overcome this weakness. I’ll just keep working on it. I’ll make it through. I’ll be stronger for it. I have to! I must. There is no other way.



‘Expanded Cinema’ = Expanded Consciousness

Expanded Cinema, by Gene Youngblood (pdf)

Page 41: “When we say expanded cinema we actually mean expanded consciousness. Expanded cinema does not mean computer films, video phosphors, atomic light, or spherical projections. Expanded cinema isn’t a movie at all: like life, it’s a process of becoming, man’s ongoing historical drive to manifest his consciousness outside of his mind, in front of his eyes. One no longer can specialize in a single discipline and hope truthfully to express a clear picture of its relationship in the environment. This is especially true in the case of the intermedia network of cinema and television, which now functions as nothing less than the nervous system of mankind.
At this point in the Paleocybernetic Age, the messages of society as expressed in the intermedia network have become almost totally irrelevant to the needs and actualities of the organism. The situation is equivalent to one’s nervous system transmitting erroneous information about the metabolic and homeostatic condition of one’s own body. It is the primary purpose of this book to explore the new messages that exist in the cinema, and to examine some of the image-making technologies that promise to extend man’s communicative capacities beyond his most extravagant visions.

“We’ll begin with a discussion of the individual’s relationship to the contemporary cultural environment in a time of radical evolution, and the way in which an irresponsible attitude toward the intermedia network contributes to blind enculturation, confusion, and disharmony. In the section of Part One titled “Art, Entertainment, Entropy” I’ve applied cybernetics and communication theory to the role of commercial entertainment in our radically evolving environment. The prevailing messages of the so-called popular media have lost their relevance because a socioeconomic system that substitutes the profit motive for use value, separates man from himself and art from life. When we’re enslaved to any system, the creative impulse is dulled and the tendency to imitate increases. Thus arises the phenomenon of commercial entertainment distinct from art, a system of temporarily gratifying, without really fulfilling, the experiential needs of an aesthetically impoverished culture.
The mass public insists on entertainment over art in order to escape an unnatural way of life in which interior realities are not compatible with exterior realities. Freedom, says Brown, is fusion. Life becomes art when there is no difference between what we are and what we do. Art is a synergetic attempt at closing the gap between what IS and what ought to be. Jacob Bronowski has suggested that we “ought to act in such a way that what is true can be verified to be so.” This characterizes the substance of Part One, and is why I call it “The Audience and the Myth of Entertainment.”

If you like what this excerpt says, you can download the PDF. It starts with R. Buckminster Fuller’s introduction which is awfully long. So if you want to get started reading Gene Youngblood’s work, it starts in the Preface on page 41 of the pdf.


New World Order, the Mattoid Idiot.

This is an excerpt from Cosmic Awareness’s book called “Who, In Fact, You Really Are.”

“In building your career and your philosophy, in building your temple, which is your life, do not go too far in any one area without checking the other corners. For entities who build only on one corner can very easily become that which is called the “mattoid idiot”—the entity who becomes so specialized in one field, in one area only, that they are totally ignorant of all else.

An example of a mattoid idiot in a gross form is the prehistoric dinosaur, which went so far in his direction of building up a protective shell, building great horns or tusks, building the scales, these prehistoric animals which built great bodies, great wings, great stomachs and small heads, those animals which built themselves armored shells in order to be safe, those animals which over-specialized in one area and one area only, ignoring all other areas, those animals who were so powerful and so absolutely indestructible suddenly were unable to cope with changes which occurred in the world and atmosphere around them, simply because they were over-specialized. The heavy armor, the lack of food to feed their large bodies, the small brain and small head that could not think or cope with the changes: those animals then became extinct to some degree.

There are many mattoid idiots living in human bodies at this time: idiots who are specialized, who are geniuses in one area and one area only, yet totally idiots in all other areas, retarded in all other areas. There are entities who have no being, who have pure reasoning with little substance or feeling. There are entities who have so much feeling they cannot think, they cannot reason, they cannot do anything but feel, cry and express their emotions. There are idiots who are geniuses in terms of powers of suggestion and control, but have no inclination as to what their own real potential is, all they can do is direct others and they themselves cannot accomplish any form of art, any form of metaphysical or mystical insight, and cannot themselves bring about any form of material creation. There are those who are so wrapped up in the material world that they see everything as matter, and nothing in terms of feeling, in terms of the Universal forces, or in terms of control in life. They simply see themselves as being that which matters, and whatever they can get from the other entity is fair play to them.

It is suggested that you not let yourself become a mattoid idiot, for in so doing you may find yourself growing higher and higher, building a Tower of Babel toward the highest and the best, building a Tower of Babel toward the heaven you seek, only to find that your tower collapses and falls and leaves you with nothing but a remembrance and a feeling of frustration and heavy karma, which must be cleaned up before you can build again.

This Awareness suggests that your career can only be secure when all four corners are satisfied.”

New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen

Alex Jones is sooo hilarious in the first part of this film. Just keep watching and then you’ll see what I’m talking about in this blog.



February 24, 2012 By Joseph P. Farrell

In what has to be close to the ultimate in corporate hypocrisy, employees at a Monsanto company cafeteria have won the right to have their employee cafeteria serve non-GMO food:

GM foods not served in Monsanto cafeteria

Now what leaped off the page at me here was the Monsanto spokeman’s more than hypocritical statement that the company is all about free choice. But just ask the farmers around the world who, by one corporate trick or another of those companies promoting their genetically modified seeds, are forced to buy their products. But this is the tip of an iceberg. Hungary has recently destroyed all its GMO corn fields, and in a landmark case in France, a French farmer has won a lawsuit against the corporate giant in which he claimed to have suffered from exposure to the company’s pesticides.

What remains amazing, at least to this author, is that while other countries seem to have the pluck to challenge these corporations and their alleged “safe” GMO foods and crops, we in North America seem to be unable to do so. We, apparently, do not have the right to eat unmodified food, and indeed, our own government will not even allow the labeling of food products to distinguish between natural and GMO foods, while it continues to persecute growers of natural foods and organic dairy products free of hormones and other additives.

It is, however, small wonder that people in other parts of the world are waking up to the growing encroachments of the barbaric and out-of-control US corporate-industrial-military complex. They are, quite literally, making people sick. Things won’t change, however, until GMO foods and the people’s right to eat and consume what they choose, including organic foods, are made part of the public political debate. It may therefore be the time, as Congressman Ron Paul increasingly calls for an audit and end of the Federal Reserve, to subject the food and drug counterpart, the FDA, to similar Libertarian philosophy and scrutiny, because you can rest assured that those elites who are storing seeds in seed vaults in Norway and other places, are not storing the GMO seeds they make the rest of us eat.



Truth Is Love, Sickness Are Lies.

I feel this may be helpful to someone out there who has been looking for answers. I quote out of a Ramtha book called, “Defining The Master.” (pg 53-55)

“We do not know how else to tell you that truth is love.”

“Love is a hormone carried by the pituitary, the great seventh seal, when we are no longer dishonest, no longer thieves, no longer diplomats (i.e., flotsam and jetsam), manipulators, liars, victims, fools, or drug addicts.”

“The divine has a brain, that it can heal an entire body by re-creating it.”

“When you are clear, you won’t have emotions running, you won’t have to hide, and you won’t have to be freaked out.”

“The way you pull the anchor out of the past, of people, places, things, times, and events, is to get rid of everything you have done that haunts you, hurts you, makes you feel guilty, and that you have hidden. You have to address it because you are going to address it at the light. When you DO that, and come CLEAN, you are pulling yourself out of the roots of the past. You are pulling them up.”

“Why don’t you uncover it, look at it, and get rid of it without emotion? Why don’t you confess it without emotion? Who cares if they don’t like you any longer? You are not doing it for them. You are doing it for you.”

“Truth is that clean and pristine mirror.”

“You say, ‘A misdeed that I did to someone and they didn’t know about it, is it better that I didn’t tell them?’  I will tell you why it isn’t important that you didn’t tell them. It is important that you confronted it YOURSELF. It was a dishonest act.”

“You don’t know it, but when you thrive off of secrets, you chemically damage your body. Your body is always in stress. Don’t you know cancer wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t the past? Cancer wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t guilt and then self-hatred. You hate other people because they are a reflection of what you are most ashamed of in yourself.”

“A master isn’t any of those things. Do you know why? Because the glory of God is found in the present, not in the past. The glory of God shines through you when you live in this moment. In your freedom you have no obstruction to your dreams. You have no ulterior motive. Your dream doesn’t have to go through your guilt and then be filtered as something else at the other end. Your desire for healing is not curved by your shame. Shame can prevent a healing. Guilt can prevent a healing. Lying and dishonesty prevent healing. You have nothing to prevent your healing because you are clear. What then as masters can you not do? You have nothing standing in your way. Masters like to keep the company of masters. A person isn’t beautiful unless they are beautiful spiritually.”