Truth Is Love, Sickness Are Lies.

I feel this may be helpful to someone out there who has been looking for answers. I quote out of a Ramtha book called, “Defining The Master.” (pg 53-55)

“We do not know how else to tell you that truth is love.”

“Love is a hormone carried by the pituitary, the great seventh seal, when we are no longer dishonest, no longer thieves, no longer diplomats (i.e., flotsam and jetsam), manipulators, liars, victims, fools, or drug addicts.”

“The divine has a brain, that it can heal an entire body by re-creating it.”

“When you are clear, you won’t have emotions running, you won’t have to hide, and you won’t have to be freaked out.”

“The way you pull the anchor out of the past, of people, places, things, times, and events, is to get rid of everything you have done that haunts you, hurts you, makes you feel guilty, and that you have hidden. You have to address it because you are going to address it at the light. When you DO that, and come CLEAN, you are pulling yourself out of the roots of the past. You are pulling them up.”

“Why don’t you uncover it, look at it, and get rid of it without emotion? Why don’t you confess it without emotion? Who cares if they don’t like you any longer? You are not doing it for them. You are doing it for you.”

“Truth is that clean and pristine mirror.”

“You say, ‘A misdeed that I did to someone and they didn’t know about it, is it better that I didn’t tell them?’  I will tell you why it isn’t important that you didn’t tell them. It is important that you confronted it YOURSELF. It was a dishonest act.”

“You don’t know it, but when you thrive off of secrets, you chemically damage your body. Your body is always in stress. Don’t you know cancer wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t the past? Cancer wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t guilt and then self-hatred. You hate other people because they are a reflection of what you are most ashamed of in yourself.”

“A master isn’t any of those things. Do you know why? Because the glory of God is found in the present, not in the past. The glory of God shines through you when you live in this moment. In your freedom you have no obstruction to your dreams. You have no ulterior motive. Your dream doesn’t have to go through your guilt and then be filtered as something else at the other end. Your desire for healing is not curved by your shame. Shame can prevent a healing. Guilt can prevent a healing. Lying and dishonesty prevent healing. You have nothing to prevent your healing because you are clear. What then as masters can you not do? You have nothing standing in your way. Masters like to keep the company of masters. A person isn’t beautiful unless they are beautiful spiritually.”